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Energy-saving transformation of woodworking machinery industry

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Energy-saving transformation of woodworking machinery industry

Date of release:2018-07-27 Author: Click:


Energy-saving transformation of woodworking machinery industry

When woodworking machinery starts, the current of the motor will be 5-6 times higher than the rated value, which will not only affect the service life of the motor, but also consume more electricity. The system will leave a certain margin in the selection of the motor in the design, and the speed of the motor is fixed, but in the actual use process, sometimes it will run at a lower or higher speed, so it is very necessary to carry out frequency conversion transformation. . Frequency converter can realize soft start of motor, save energy and adjust speed by changing input voltage frequency of equipment, and provide protection functions such as over current, over voltage and over load for equipment.

Safe operation

(1) Woodworking machinery operators must be proficient in the structure, performance and operation of various machinery, maintenance methods, use and responsibility.

(2) When operating woodworking machinery, they should wear good work clothes and tighten their cuffs. Women comrades must wear good work caps and braids into their caps. Gloves and scarves are not allowed to be worn for operation.

(3) The machine must be tested before it starts to work, and the parts can start to work only after they are in normal operation.

(4) Shafts, chains, pulleys, belts and other running parts of woodworking machinery shall be protected by protective shields and panels.

(5) If abnormal conditions or other faults occur in the operation of machinery, the power supply shall be cut off immediately and the shutdown shall be checked and repaired.

(6) When replacing planers and saw blades, the total power supply must be cut off.

(7) Check the lubrication system before working every day. Is it good or not?

(8) When cleaning workbenches in mechanical operations, the machine shall be shut down.

The address of this article:http://en.ykxbyjx.com/news/386.html

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Yingkou Xin Baiyun Machinery Co., Ltd.

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