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Brief Description of Wooden Roof Connectors

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Brief Description of Wooden Roof Connectors

Date of release:2018-09-15 Author: Click:


Brief Description of Wood House Connectors: Wood as a building material has the characteristics of light weight, high strength, beautiful appearance and good processing performance, so it has been preferred since ancient times. Modern wooden structure houses have the characteristics of green, ecological, environmental protection and renewable utilization, which is the most ideal living environment for human beings. Modern wooden residential buildings are very common in many countries in the world. In North America, wood-structured housing dominates the market. 75% of the people live in wooden houses, especially high-end villas are almost all wooden. In Canada, the timber industry is one of the pillar industries of the country. The industrialization, standardization and supporting installation technology of the timber structure residence are very mature. In Japan, a large number of residential buildings are built with wood, plywood and cement particleboard. At present, more than half of the newly built residential houses in Japan are wooden structures. In Finland and Sweden in Nordic Europe, 90% of residential houses are one or two-storey wooden structures. At present, there are more than 2000 wooden houses in China, and more than 600 are under construction. Most of them adopt foreign materials and technologies. In Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou, Shenzhen, Dalian, Chongqing and other cities, many demonstration projects of wooden houses have been developed continuously. Node design is the most difficult and the most important link in the design of wood structure, so the research of node is very important. In this paper, several types of joints of wood structure are introduced, their construction methods and transmission characteristics are expounded, and the factors that need to be considered in connection design are put forward. .

2 Connection Type

According to the different force conditions of the connection, some are direct force transmission, some are indirect force transmission through connectors, and the common ones are tooth connection, pin connection and metal connection.

2.1 teeth connection

Tooth connection is to make the end of the compressive member into a tenon, and saw into a slot on the other component, so that the tenon is directly supported in the slot, and the load is transmitted through the bearing surface. Therefore, the tooth connection can only be used to transfer pressure, which is its characteristic. Teeth connection is simple in structure and clear in force transmission. It can be made with simple tools. Because of its exposed structure, it is easy to check construction quality and observe work conditions. But because of grooving on the component, the cross section of the component is weakened greatly, which increases the wood consumption; besides the pressure work, there is also brittle shear work in the groove, which can only be used for manual operation. Only when the woodworker with higher technical level makes the connection, can the quality of the connection be guaranteed.

The address of this article:http://en.ykxbyjx.com/news/390.html

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