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Drilling Method of Woodworking Tenon Machine

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Drilling Method of Woodworking Tenon Machine

Date of release:2019-02-26 Author: Click:

Woodworking mortise drilling method:

1. To drill through holes, the workpiece surface should be padded with wood blocks, and the workpiece thickness should be drilled on both sides of the workpiece.

2. Half-hole drilling should be done at the required height of the worktable.

3. Longitudinal feed handwheel of drilling turntable makes the worktable move to the desired position.

4. Drilling inclined holes is processed by fixing workpieces with inclined dies.

5. Hole drilling is carried out on the workpiece with hole spacing. The longitudinal feed handwheel of the rotary worktable after drilling makes the worktable move to the left or right hole spacing and then drilling. The workpiece clamps and then drills when the workpiece moves from the workpiece with hole spacing to the workpiece with hole spacing.

6. To drill and milling mortise, it is necessary to smooth the staggered platform, sawdust and stubble collapse around the inclined hole.

The address of this article:http://en.ykxbyjx.com/news/391.html

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Yingkou Xin Baiyun Machinery Co., Ltd.

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