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Rules for Safe Use of Band Sawing Machines

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Rules for Safe Use of Band Sawing Machines

Date of release:2018-07-27 Author: Click:


Sawing machines use saws as cutting tools to cut and cut wood through the reciprocating motion of a saw or bandsaw or the rotating motion of a circular saw. Common saws are band saws and circular saws. Sawing injury accidents mainly include cutting injury of saw blade, breaking ejection of saw blade, wood damage and so on. Sawing injuries are prevented by using safety devices and proper operation.

The thickness of band saw blade should be matched with the matching band saw wheel. Avoid using large thickness saw blades for small wheels, resulting in fracture and injury.

(2) The serrated teeth should be sharp, and the tooth depth should not exceed 1/4 of the width of the saw blade.

(3) The welding of band saw blade should be firm and smooth, the joints should be more than three, the length between the two joints should be more than one fifth of the total length, and the thickness of the joints should be basically the same as that of the saw blade.

(4) Strictly control the transverse crack of band saw blade. If the crack is too long, it should be cut off and re-welded.

The track of the sports car of the large band saw should be straight, with a stroke switch at both ends, and a warning bar should be set on both sides of the sports car.

The address of this article:http://en.ykxbyjx.com/news/361.html

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