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Woodworking Machinery Manufacturers Provide Three Suggestions on Furniture Selection for Small Household Users

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Woodworking Machinery Manufacturers Provide Three Suggestions on Furniture Selection for Small Household Users

Date of release:2018-07-27 Author: Click:

1. Small furniture is one of the first choices.

Generally, in a limited space, small furniture is your first choice. Small furniture occupies less space than ordinary furniture, and at the same time, it seems that the space becomes larger. For small living room, the preferred furniture is usually low sofa. At the same time for these sofas have a low design, no armrests, general streamlined shape, so placed in the living room feel more smooth space, plus a small round table or mini-type TV cabinet, so that the space looks much larger. And then try to choose the arc shape, do not have angular furniture.

2. Lightweight furniture simplifies space

Generally for lightweight furniture, let the space has a sense of expansion. However, according to material quality, lightweight furniture has glass material, rattan, or wood, etc. Glass is rich in penetration and has a cool feeling. Furniture made entirely of glass, however, extends the horizon indefinitely and is also the most space-expanding furniture. Recently, the market is generally more in some cabinet doors, the use of frosted glass or pattern glass style.

3. Extended vision of furniture with different styles

Eastern style furniture, Chinese classical style and Japanese style can be chosen. This style plays an important role in small space. However, most of these furniture is a small type of role, general and interior furniture more show a low look, simple lines, thus simplifying the space lines, so that the whole room looks clean and neat. In general, furniture furnishings in the home are mostly developed upwards, but Japanese furniture has brought a different way of thinking, and will also develop furniture downwards, so that the height of the vision is greatly reduced, so as to feel that the space has become wider.

The address of this article:http://en.ykxbyjx.com/news/362.html

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