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Woodworking tenoner

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Woodworking tenoner

  • Taxonomy:Woodworking machinery

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  • Date of release:2019/05/23
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(1) The process of using toxic, irritating and flammable substances should be placed in a separate workshop. The woodworking equipment manufacturer may arrange for special areas in the workshop and equip them with personal protective equipment and fire fighting equipment.

(2) The passageway for transporting logs, sawdust and waste materials in the workshop should be provided with facilities to eliminate hallways, halls, door curtains, curtains and other facilities to prevent fire spreading, such as automatic fire doors, fire and smoke prevention baffles, water curtains, etc.

(3) The overpass with protective railings and stairs should be installed when the workshop needs to arrive safely at the position above the equipment. Anti-skid ground shall be laid on the floor of the factory building and the passageway of the overpass.

(4) There should be no equipment or lines on the commonly used pedestrian passages. Their width should not be less than 1m.

(5) The conveyor belts below the ground shall be covered with a cover plate or a shallow lattice protective plate. The surface of metal plate should be skid-proof. The gap width of the grid protection shall not exceed 30 mm.

(6) Sawdust and waste storage tanks should be placed outside the workshop.

The address of this article:http://en.ykxbyjx.com/product/555.html

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Yingkou Xin Baiyun Machinery Co., Ltd.

Tel: 0417-6273385

Fax: 0417-6239168

Website: www.ykxbyjx.com

Website : en.ykxbyjx.com  

Address: Pearl Plaza, Yangtze Road, Yingkou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Liaoning Province

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